Heading off for the anniversary trip. I can't believe it's been five years already.
We're going to Niagara Falls for a long weekend.
Six and a half hours in the car should be fun.
If I make it back, I'll post again.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
I was out checking on my tomatoes like I do every morning and something caught my eye. At first I thought it was leaves and then I realized, "Hey, those aren't tomato leaves!"
I grabbed the camera and snapped away.
UPDATE: This oh so neat looking "caterpillar" is not so much... Mom emailed me and told me that this is a Tomato Horn Worm and to get rid of it post haste. Hope it's still there when Pete gets home so he can dispose of the nasty little bugger.
I grabbed the camera and snapped away.

UPDATE: This oh so neat looking "caterpillar" is not so much... Mom emailed me and told me that this is a Tomato Horn Worm and to get rid of it post haste. Hope it's still there when Pete gets home so he can dispose of the nasty little bugger.
More pretty pictures
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Mutant Cherry Tomatoes
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Relaxing day
I'm kinda bored now. But, I am glad I am not having to worry about anything. Tomorrow I have to start cleaning for our weekend guests.
J & H are coming to visit us on Saturday. There is a birthday party for Kayla (cannot believe she's two already) and then we're visiting with them. Haven't seen them since they're wedding in Seattle last September.
They're bringing their dog Boomer. Golden Retriever. Should be fun with Daisy. She'll have a blast.
Alright, off to master those Pogo badges.
J & H are coming to visit us on Saturday. There is a birthday party for Kayla (cannot believe she's two already) and then we're visiting with them. Haven't seen them since they're wedding in Seattle last September.
They're bringing their dog Boomer. Golden Retriever. Should be fun with Daisy. She'll have a blast.
Alright, off to master those Pogo badges.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
More pretty flowers
Well, I took a couple more pictures with my cell phone today. The Hibiscus has a couple new flowers. They only seem to last a day but that's OK, there's more on the way. Wow the echinacea looks wee tiny next to this monster.
The wee tiny echinacea close up. This smells so good. The dog greets it every morning when we come outside. Make that every time. :)
Here are some Delphiniums. They've perked up some since I brought them home
Here is a Black Taro plant that is in the pond. I wanted to take some pictures of the Iris that had bloomed but they are long since done for the season.
Don't have much else to say. Today was stressful but I think I managed to finish the tasks set before me while my boss was on vacation. Well, as much as I could anyway, without her input.
I'm telling her on Monday that I'm done on Tuesday so that should be fun.
Can't wait for that conversation.
But, what a weight will be off my shoulders then. WHEW! Mental and physical relief.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Love Story and a pretty picture
So, up I get this morning. I make the coffee, put out the awning and drag the computer and a cup of hot coffee to the deck.
Once there I realize, I hear a locust. A VERY LOUD LOCUST. And I say to myself, "Self, where could this locust be."
Then I realize that it is on the deck about 5 feet from me hanging onto the side. It's singing, rubbing it's heart out or whatever they do. I got close enough to see its butt shaking and the wings going calling for a mate.
I managed to grab a picture from my cell phone. I don't know that I've ever seen one live.
So, as I'm talking to my neighbor about the locust on the deck, in comes another. It looks slightly different so I'm assuming it's either the male or female returning the call.
So now they're both on the deck yelling at each other. I could not get close enough to get a picture of both and to be frank, I didn't want to interrupt their rendezvous.
But, I did manage to get a picture of the new Hibiscus flower that appeared this morning. How pretty!

Now I have to get ready for my last Open House ever.
Ok, going to enjoy my coffee and listen to the sounds of the Fivepointville wildlife procreate.
(Play, sound of rooster.)
Once there I realize, I hear a locust. A VERY LOUD LOCUST. And I say to myself, "Self, where could this locust be."
Then I realize that it is on the deck about 5 feet from me hanging onto the side. It's singing, rubbing it's heart out or whatever they do. I got close enough to see its butt shaking and the wings going calling for a mate.
I managed to grab a picture from my cell phone. I don't know that I've ever seen one live.
So, as I'm talking to my neighbor about the locust on the deck, in comes another. It looks slightly different so I'm assuming it's either the male or female returning the call.
So now they're both on the deck yelling at each other. I could not get close enough to get a picture of both and to be frank, I didn't want to interrupt their rendezvous.
But, I did manage to get a picture of the new Hibiscus flower that appeared this morning. How pretty!
Now I have to get ready for my last Open House ever.
Ok, going to enjoy my coffee and listen to the sounds of the Fivepointville wildlife procreate.
(Play, sound of rooster.)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New Pictures- Garden
My new "kids"
Well I hit the greenhouse again today. A couple of weeks ago, I went to Lowes with my hubby and my father-in-law, for something to do, and found a great deal of plants on clearance. I managed to purchase more than $100 worth of plants for under $30. These plants were just no longer "pretty" and just needed a green thumb to get them going.
I purchased a Wine and Roses Wiegla, two Hydrangeas (one Endless Summer and one Variegated leaf), Lavender de Provence, Apple Blossom Yarrow, a six pack of Scotch Moss and another plant that I can't remember what it was called. It looked like some sort of Salvia. Well, the only thing that isn't do well is the Lavender. I think it has been over-watered. Even though I tell everyone to leave it alone, that it needs to dry out, it keeps getting watered because 'it looks like it needs a drink.'
I wanted to take some pictures to post however the camera has broken and I need to mail it back to Cannon for them to replace it.
Well, this morning, I hit the greenhouse and found a number of clearance plants. I purchased God Tip Moss to accent the Scotch Moss we planted by the pond to try and cover some of the stone that we put there. Just to make it look a little more organic, so to speak. The whole side off the deck is all stone. All a bit larger than pea gravel. I have this vision of an English garden so I want that covered up a bit more and more flower beds. We've been doing a flower bed a year. Next year I think we will venture more into the back yard. My father-in-law would like a terraced walkway and beds on each side. I concur.
But, I digress, I purchased A Crimson Wonder Hibiscus (holy cow it's beautiful), Astolat Pacific Giant' Delphinium (a lavender color), Red Heart Hens and Chicks, Echinacea Emily Saul (smells heavenly) and Creeping Phlox (haven't seen the flowers yet because it already bloomed but I think they're a pink color.) All of these are planted in the same bed. I just need to get some stones to put around them and maybe a bit of mulch or compost to define it as a flowerbed.
I'm very pleased. I came home and planted them myself, where I wanted them, before Pete could nix the placement. The three of us were in agreement and he just gets annoyed at having to plant so puts it off until the plants are close to death. So, I took the bull by the horns and did it by myself. As soon as I have access to a camera, I will post pictures on Flickr.
Yesterday I stopped by one of the local farmers markets and got a bunch of fresh local peaches.
I made a Crisp with them and it's in the oven. I can smell the peaches cooking along with the sugar and butter...mmmmmmm Going to go and check on that.
I purchased a Wine and Roses Wiegla, two Hydrangeas (one Endless Summer and one Variegated leaf), Lavender de Provence, Apple Blossom Yarrow, a six pack of Scotch Moss and another plant that I can't remember what it was called. It looked like some sort of Salvia. Well, the only thing that isn't do well is the Lavender. I think it has been over-watered. Even though I tell everyone to leave it alone, that it needs to dry out, it keeps getting watered because 'it looks like it needs a drink.'
I wanted to take some pictures to post however the camera has broken and I need to mail it back to Cannon for them to replace it.
Well, this morning, I hit the greenhouse and found a number of clearance plants. I purchased God Tip Moss to accent the Scotch Moss we planted by the pond to try and cover some of the stone that we put there. Just to make it look a little more organic, so to speak. The whole side off the deck is all stone. All a bit larger than pea gravel. I have this vision of an English garden so I want that covered up a bit more and more flower beds. We've been doing a flower bed a year. Next year I think we will venture more into the back yard. My father-in-law would like a terraced walkway and beds on each side. I concur.
But, I digress, I purchased A Crimson Wonder Hibiscus (holy cow it's beautiful), Astolat Pacific Giant' Delphinium (a lavender color), Red Heart Hens and Chicks, Echinacea Emily Saul (smells heavenly) and Creeping Phlox (haven't seen the flowers yet because it already bloomed but I think they're a pink color.) All of these are planted in the same bed. I just need to get some stones to put around them and maybe a bit of mulch or compost to define it as a flowerbed.
I'm very pleased. I came home and planted them myself, where I wanted them, before Pete could nix the placement. The three of us were in agreement and he just gets annoyed at having to plant so puts it off until the plants are close to death. So, I took the bull by the horns and did it by myself. As soon as I have access to a camera, I will post pictures on Flickr.
Yesterday I stopped by one of the local farmers markets and got a bunch of fresh local peaches.
I made a Crisp with them and it's in the oven. I can smell the peaches cooking along with the sugar and butter...mmmmmmm Going to go and check on that.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Ugh II
Still depressed. Can't shake it. See my doctor in a couple weeks so we'll see what he has to say. May be the new meds, may be the Chantix. That does have a depression side-effect. Thank goodness I'm already on anti-d's... I would hate to see what would happen if I wasn't.
I just don't want to be around anyone or do anything. I'm bored but I don't know what to do about it. I'm driving myself nutty.
A lot of it has to do with having no business, I'm sure. I mean I'm helping out a fellow Realtor while she's on maternity leave and I will make some money but from it, but I have no prospects of my own, really. I meet people and then it doesn't go through. The market is ok around here but being relatively new stinks. Especially when you're not originally from the area in which you are trying to work.
So, I've applied to a few companies in the area I used to work, in the same field. Let's hope I get a bite. I'm tired of being hopelessly poor. Ok, it's not that bad but if I don't get a decent amount of business soon, you'll see me working down at the local convenience store. (NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!) It's just that I have so much more to offer than that.
This one company that I applied to has offices in the UK. So does Pete's company. Neat. Maybe some day we would relocate. Maybe not. Nice to dream, eh?
Alright, off to putz around some more until I have to go take some people out to see a house. Then possibly write an offer, for the Realtor I'm helping out.
I'm off....
I just don't want to be around anyone or do anything. I'm bored but I don't know what to do about it. I'm driving myself nutty.
A lot of it has to do with having no business, I'm sure. I mean I'm helping out a fellow Realtor while she's on maternity leave and I will make some money but from it, but I have no prospects of my own, really. I meet people and then it doesn't go through. The market is ok around here but being relatively new stinks. Especially when you're not originally from the area in which you are trying to work.
So, I've applied to a few companies in the area I used to work, in the same field. Let's hope I get a bite. I'm tired of being hopelessly poor. Ok, it's not that bad but if I don't get a decent amount of business soon, you'll see me working down at the local convenience store. (NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!) It's just that I have so much more to offer than that.
This one company that I applied to has offices in the UK. So does Pete's company. Neat. Maybe some day we would relocate. Maybe not. Nice to dream, eh?
Alright, off to putz around some more until I have to go take some people out to see a house. Then possibly write an offer, for the Realtor I'm helping out.
I'm off....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Well, I haven't posted in a while so I figured I would, just to post.
Kind of depressed lately for no reason. They've switched my medicine around and there is that sneaky little bugger PMS so I'm chalking it up to that. There is not much I should be depressed about but still it's there. Ah the beauties of mental illness. At least I can recognize it.
I've been dreaming a lot about living in England lately and now I want so much to be there. Funny, I've never been there before. The medicine I'm on to quit smoking can give you weird dreams and boy have I had them. I've been dreaming about people and places I've never seen. Of course, there are a few cameos by actors. HA! Not that I mind at all. Handsome and Dashing English Actors are always welcome in my dreams.
Alright, off to try not to be depressed. Play some canasta online or something. Not that that's anything new. All I seem to do at night anymore.
Maybe I should get some exercise and I would feel a lot better.
Kind of depressed lately for no reason. They've switched my medicine around and there is that sneaky little bugger PMS so I'm chalking it up to that. There is not much I should be depressed about but still it's there. Ah the beauties of mental illness. At least I can recognize it.
I've been dreaming a lot about living in England lately and now I want so much to be there. Funny, I've never been there before. The medicine I'm on to quit smoking can give you weird dreams and boy have I had them. I've been dreaming about people and places I've never seen. Of course, there are a few cameos by actors. HA! Not that I mind at all. Handsome and Dashing English Actors are always welcome in my dreams.
Alright, off to try not to be depressed. Play some canasta online or something. Not that that's anything new. All I seem to do at night anymore.
Maybe I should get some exercise and I would feel a lot better.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Saturday musings
Got the below from my sister's blog- Juggling Scarves
Wow, does this describe me or what. I've always been somewhat of a firecracker.
I don't hold back much. Something about me that I love and hate. I try to be tactful but that just isn't my strongsuit.
Guess I get that from my Dad.
Can't write much today because we're off to see a friend at the hospital. She just had her second child yesterday. A little boy. Timothy Murphy or it's Timothy Michael. They haven't decided yet. I think it's going to be the first.
She was not due for another couple of weeks but the last time she had an ultrasound they said he was measuring at about 11lbs. LARGE. So they decided to schedule a C-Section. Turns out he wasn't that large but still they were willing to take their chances. He turned out to be 9lbs 5oz. Big enough.
And she had two weeks left. Had they waited he would have been 11lbs.
I joke with them that he must be all head since he and his mother have large nogins. The funny thing is, it's true! His head was huge.
Lets see, what else is going on. Well, my sister is in the spot to buy a home. I'm very excited for her. I know what it felt like when we started looking. Exciting and scary all at once. And it all happens so fast. From conception of thought to actuality it seems like you're thrust headlong into a meteor storm.
I wish I could be there to go looking with her to share in the excitement.
I think that's why I love working with first time homebuyers. Their excitement is contagious and it's so great to help someone find their first "dream home."
Alright, off to the hospital. I'm sure I'll come back with baby fever.
Now I'm singing "Boogie Fever" in my head.
More to come! :)
Wow, does this describe me or what. I've always been somewhat of a firecracker.
I don't hold back much. Something about me that I love and hate. I try to be tactful but that just isn't my strongsuit.
Guess I get that from my Dad.
Can't write much today because we're off to see a friend at the hospital. She just had her second child yesterday. A little boy. Timothy Murphy or it's Timothy Michael. They haven't decided yet. I think it's going to be the first.
She was not due for another couple of weeks but the last time she had an ultrasound they said he was measuring at about 11lbs. LARGE. So they decided to schedule a C-Section. Turns out he wasn't that large but still they were willing to take their chances. He turned out to be 9lbs 5oz. Big enough.
And she had two weeks left. Had they waited he would have been 11lbs.
I joke with them that he must be all head since he and his mother have large nogins. The funny thing is, it's true! His head was huge.
Lets see, what else is going on. Well, my sister is in the spot to buy a home. I'm very excited for her. I know what it felt like when we started looking. Exciting and scary all at once. And it all happens so fast. From conception of thought to actuality it seems like you're thrust headlong into a meteor storm.
I wish I could be there to go looking with her to share in the excitement.
I think that's why I love working with first time homebuyers. Their excitement is contagious and it's so great to help someone find their first "dream home."
Alright, off to the hospital. I'm sure I'll come back with baby fever.
Now I'm singing "Boogie Fever" in my head.
More to come! :)
Hmmm... this does describe me
You Are An Exclamation Point |
You're often a bundle of joy, passion, or drama. You're loud, brash, and outgoing. If you think it, you say it. Definitely not the quiet type, you really don't keep a lot to yourself. You're lively and inspiring. People love to be around your energy. (But they do secretly worry that you'll spill their secrets without even realizing it.) You excel in: Public speaking You get along best with: the Dash |
http://www.blogthings.com/whatpunctuationmarkareyouquiz/">What Punctuation Mark Are You?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Wow I'm not a very dedicated blogger
Maybe because I don't think I have anything important to say. I'm just not interesting.
The only interesting thing that is going on right now is that my company changed names. We were Coldwell Banker and now we're Prudential. Lots to do.
And just when I was trying to get my motivation back. PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!
I am a self-professed mental OCD sufferer. I don't give a crap about my physical surroundings but if I don't have everything just so, in my head, I go headlong into an organizational tizzy. So some soul searching, planning, and list making have to be done.
I'm perpetually getting ready to get ready.
Anyway, I'm off to organize my thoughts!
The only interesting thing that is going on right now is that my company changed names. We were Coldwell Banker and now we're Prudential. Lots to do.
And just when I was trying to get my motivation back. PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!
I am a self-professed mental OCD sufferer. I don't give a crap about my physical surroundings but if I don't have everything just so, in my head, I go headlong into an organizational tizzy. So some soul searching, planning, and list making have to be done.
I'm perpetually getting ready to get ready.
Anyway, I'm off to organize my thoughts!
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