Monday, November 29, 2010

Seven Years Ago Today

Seven years ago, today, I was just getting out of bed.  My sister, my friends, and I were going to get our hair and nails done.  I was nervous and wanted the day to go well, but overall I was ecstatic.  I could not wait for the days events.  They were nearly eight years in the making. 
We had been through a lot in those eight years, college, untimely deaths of friends, break-ups, make-ups, starting careers, unemployment, friends getting married, friends buying houses...   It was all a little bit overwhelming, but we decided to take the plunge and with the help of our family, we charged forward.

It was a beautiful day and what a party!  I'm still told that it was one of the best parties ever attended. We all had so much fun and when the night was over, I couldn't believe it had gone by so fast.  Something that I'd planned in my head since I was a little girl had gone flying by.  It seemed like mere moments. 

That was a lot of dress. I'm hiding somewhere under there. My mommy made it!
Seven years ago, today, I married my best friend.  I love you, Hubs.  May we keep the joy, love, and laughter in our hearts for many years to come.  Really, I plan on driving you crazy for many more years.  Hang on, it's liable to be a wild ride.


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